Thursday 25 September 2014

8.5 Months (a week after a hair cut)

The 8 month mark came and went - still reasonably happy with the results so far but growth has not been quite as thick or quick as I expected. The back third of my head hair is growing, but it's taking longer than I thought it would. I keep telling myself it'll thicken up in time. I hope it will!

Overall I feel much more positive about my hair and the way it looks - in these pictures I feel it looks better than it does in the mirror! But then I'm usually under a light in the bathroom which is never flattering. At the least I don't think you can really tell from the donor area that hair has been taken from the back and sides.

Oblique view. If you zoom, you can see that the new hair still has some thickening up to do, but it's coming along. I'm happy with the angle of the hairline. 

Front view. I used to have a big gap right in the middle of my hairline. That's mostly gone although you can still see the hair is thinner (because it's all transplanted hair) under lights. 

View from the top - still thickening up (this is the bit I'm most anxious about) 

View from behind - hopefully when the top thickens this part will be less noticeable

Side view : can you see the strip scar?