Monday 4 May 2015

16 months post-op

It's now edging closer to the 18 month mark (which will be in July) so I thought I'd update this. Overall, not much change in the crown area although I think I am still losing more hair from the back of my head. I'm not so bothered about it because the front is looking pretty good - especially when I put a bit of concealer in it. Although I'm a bit disappointed about the back half of my head, I remember Dr Ilker saying there is still donor hair available which could be used for that.

Looking a bit ropey today! The hairline doesn't look quite as thick in real life, it's probably the lighting.

Back view - still losing hair I think. But on the upside you really can't see any scarring

Crown. Definitely more hair there than pre-op, but not quite as dense as I'd like.