Monday 28 April 2014

Day 110 : growing in slowly

It's difficult to say how much the new hair has grown in, because I've let the 'original' hair grow quite long - I haven't had the top cut at all since January. However, there is definitely signs of new hair grown at the front. And if I run my finger over other parts of my scalp where hair has been translated, I can feel little stubbly hairs growing.

I read that at by month 5-6, around 80% of the new hairs will have started to grow but will be fine and wispy to begin with. So I am trying to be patient! But at the front, things already are starting to look better.

You can see some of the new hair at the front corners. 
At the back it's less noticeable because this hair is much thinner.

Pleased to say that most of my original hair did eventually grow back. 

This is the part I'm most looking forward to see filled in!! 
No great improvement in this area year, but I can feel stubbly hairs growing 

From the front - I've let it grow quite long but you can see the new hairline trying to break through

Friday 18 April 2014

How I'm feeling about it all... 3 months (ish)

After the procedure I felt on cloud nine for about a week. All that research, time, money and general effort finally paid off - I couldn't quite believe I'd actually gone through with it. Like a lot of others, I was a little disheartened to see the transplanted hairs fall out, and particularly annoying was the FUE graft sites looking a bit red.

It always looks worse to yourself than others. After 3 weeks, I was told by my friends that it looked like I'd had a bad haircut. I didn't mind that, so I felt I could safely go out without a hat. Actually one of the weirdly empowering things is that I don't care so much that I'm looking pretty thin on top when I go out -- because I know that it's going to grow in soon.

I always promised myself I wouldn't get disspirited, disheartened or be impatient. Unfortunately, it's really hard not to be! Unlike a lot of cosmetic procedures where the results are visible pretty much instantly, a hair transplant does take a long time to get going. Now that I've reached the 3 month mark, I'm pleased to see some of the hair growing in (at the front it's very noticeable) but I can't help worrying that the rest of it won't grow. It's stupid, I know - but I am worried about it. One thing I was worried about at the early stages was losing what existing hair I had had on top. So far most of that seems to have re-grown, which is a relief. So I look pretty much as I did before the procedure.

The reason it's silly is because I'd read so many people blogging about how they were worried it hadn't worked - only a few months in. I would scoff and think 'you need to wait at least six months', and annoyingly I'm having to do the same to myself! Hopefully in six months my fears will be set to one side; keep your fingers crossed for me :)