Sunday, 19 January 2014

FUT, FUE or Both? Why I chose a combined procedure

Like most guys, I was initially attracted to the idea of having a purely FUE procedure because of the claims of minimal scarring and quicker recovery times. But after seeing I realised that an FUT procedure doesn't necessarily mean bad scarring. Because closure techniques have advanced so much in recent years, modern linear scars aren't nearly as bad as they used to be.

Trichophytic closure is a technique that trims the bottom layer of the wound and then tucked under the other edge. Take a look at this diagram :

Click to enlarge


The FUT or strip method also has other benefits including fewer transcepted hairs, and a higher yield in terms of area used. 

But FUE still held some appeal for me. 

Then I found a clinic that could provide both techniques in a single session, yielding the maximum possible number of grafts. Whereas I was quoted a maximum of around 3000-3500 grafts if I went purely down the FUE route, with a combined FUE and FUT procedure at the New Age Clinic in Istanbul, I was expected to yield around 4000. 

Having given it a lot of thought, I decided to go for it. This solution gave me three things:

1) A high yield of grafts the first time
2) A fairly conservative FUE approach which would allow further harvesting later if necessary.
3) Trycho closure meant I had fewer worries about FUT scarring.


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  2. If you are suffering from bad hair loss problem and searching for the best hair transplant method then you can go with FUE hair transplant as it causes fewer scars as compared to FUT.

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